Cat Care Tips Advice Health Information RSPCA If youre a cat owner or cat lover check out our expert advice across a range of topics to help you take care of your cat and keep them happy and healthy Feline idiopathic cystitis FIC International Cat Care Feline lower urinary tract disease FLUTD is a term describing conditions that can affect the urinary bladder andor urethra the lower urinary tract of cats Although many different diseases can affect the lower urinary tract frustratingly a number of cats develop a disease without any obvious underlying cause – so called feline idiopathic cystitis or FIC Pica in cats International Cat Care Pica is a term used to describe the consumption of nonedible materials It is most frequently seen in certain breeds such as Siamese Burmese Tonkinese and other Oriental types leading to the suggestion that there may be a genetic component with the trait passing down particular family lines However other domestic cats with no known Oriental ancestry can also suffer from pica
Title : Feline Behaviour and Welfare
ISBN : 1845939263
Release Date : 2012-10-05
Number of Pages :
Author :
Rating : 5.0
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